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What are the considerations for the use of a quartz tube for a transparent tube?
The author :    time : 2016-07-02     Click on the number of times : 69
  No matter what equipment or devices, in the operation, to ensure the safety of the use of the instrument is very important, the use of quartz glass instrument is the same reason. What are the considerations for the use of a quartz tube for a transparent tube? Below by Beijing kailiaa quartz glass instrument factory Xiaobian to introduce you.

  1, the power supply must have a reliable ground, to ensure that the training box and network power supply grounding contact with reliable, prevent leakage or network power accident caused by the accident.

  2, when the use of low temperature, quartz crucible will produce condensate, should be regularly drained in the box at the bottom of the water tray of water.

  3, in order to maintain the beauty of the equipment, can not use acid or alkali and other corrosive items to wipe the surface of the box, the box can be dry with a dry cloth regularly.

  4, when the incubator in the use of stop, should unplug the power plug.

  5, the minimum distance from the wall should be more than 10cm, in order to ensure that the cooling system.

  6, the room should be dry, well ventilated, the relative humidity is kept below 85%, there should be no corrosive substances exist, avoid direct sunlight on the incubator.


Reproduced please specify:Laser Optex Inc. » What are the considerations for the use of a quartz tube for a transparent tube?

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